So we’re off and running on our latest adventure. Well, sitting, I guess. In the terminal of the Norfolk AMC terminal, waiting on a Space-A flight to Naples, Italy via Rota, Spain. Space-A flights are military transport flights that carry active duty and retirees when they have extra seats. It’s free (or nearly so), but the downside is that you don’t have a guaranteed seat until the last minute. We knew that there was a flight going where we wanted, and we knew that they had 70 tentative seats available. So we showed up at the terminal, signed in at the roll call, and waited. And waited. Eventually our name got called, and we checked our bags. So far, so good. We’ve gotten this far in the past, however, only to find out that our flight was cancelled, the plane had mechanical issues, other passengers with higher priority than us had bumped us, etc. So we’re not quite there yet, but it’s looking good so far. Read More